Ten Years of Fashion!
March 30th, 2023 is the 10th anniversary of our event “Brush up on Fashion.” Come take a stroll down memory lane as we showcase some of our favorite outfits over the years in a small tribute video, take in the new trends of fashion has we raise funds for LevelUp Kids. This year we will host the event in the evening from 5:30 to 8:00 at the Argosy Casino. We will have premier wines, signature LUK cocktail, local brewery beer and food prepared by the culinary team at Argosy.
Silent and live auction items will include Chiefs, Royals, Current, Sporting KC and local University gifts, trips to amazing destinations and gift cards to exclusive entertainment venues, as well as restaurants, local boutiques and so much more.
The models this year will be fun, high respected community leaders such as Martin T. Rucker, the owner of Raising Rust, Clay County Sherriff, School leaders and so many more. You will see a sneak peak of the hot spring fashions from local boutiques and Dillard’s. Click here to sponsor a table or purchase a ticket today!
Thank you to our 2023 Sponsors!